Glebe resident Linda Fleshman’s cool blue watercolors create a wintry wonderland on this year’s LifeSpire holiday card. But don’t look for anything too traditional or busy here.
“It’s calm,” noted another resident about the painting. “Just like Linda.”
Linda says she was surprised to have her art selected for this year’s card, but truly enjoyed painting the serene subject. “I’ve always enjoyed doing something with trees. I liked the star… the starlight made the ground seem like snow. And I loved the meaning of the star, pointing to the birth of Christ.”
For almost two years now, Linda has been bringing her calm creativity to Saturday morning painting classes at The Glebe. Taught by Peggy DeHart, a resident and a former school art teacher, the class is open to eight students each week. Some are regulars, some are first-timers, but all contribute to what Peggy calls “an art program to make stronger bonds within the community.”
When Peggy moved to The Glebe two and a half years ago, her time as an activity director at a retirement community inspired her to start the painting class. With support from The Glebe staff and shared art supplies from her sister, she designs each class project as a greeting card to use for celebration, comfort or cementing friendships. “Our homemade pictures in watercolor, acrylic or ink are about learning new techniques to make sharable art.” And greeting cards, she says, “are the ebb and flow of our community.”
Linda Fleshman always liked doing creative activities but had not taken painting classes since college. The small class size at The Glebe helped her find the courage to start again. And for those who might be intimidated by painting? “Don’t be afraid to try!” she quickly advises. “I’ve been surprised at how much better my work can look than I expected.”
Linda estimates that she’s created about 25 paintings in the class over time. But artistic progress is not the only draw for her on Saturday mornings. “It’s fun!” she says. “It’s a very interesting group of people to work with. And by now we’re all good friends.”
During construction at The Glebe, the painting class has relocated to temporary quarters in the community room. The resident artists look forward to working in a brand-new art studio as part of the planned community center renovation and expansion, coming in 2025.
We salute all the LifeSpire residents who share their time and talents to help build one another up, form friendships and create a true community. Thank you!