Welcome to LifeSpire of Virginia’s Financial Information page. LifeSpire prides itself on open and transparent communication with all stakeholders. This page is designed to simplify the process of sharing information about the finances and governance of the organization with residents, families, prospective residents, donors, members of “at home programs” and institutional investors.
The following information will be updated on a regular basis.
- Audited Financial Statements
- State Charitable Solicitation Permit
- Quarterly EMMA reporting
- Public Bond Issuance Notifications
- Fitch Rating report
Other information will be added as appropriate.
Governance and other
- LifeSpire of Virginia Strategic Plan
- Community governance
- Governance structure
- Corporate structure
- Annual disclosure statements
- CMS Reporting
- LifeSpire 990
If you have questions related to the resources above, or if you would like to see information not included on this page, you may call 804-521-9214 or Email [email protected].
Thank you for visiting this page.