LifeSpire of Virginia Launches COVID Care Recognition Program

April 21 marks seven weeks since LifeSpire of Virginia’s first communication regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It is day 35 since the home office temporarily closed. It has been 39 days since visitor restrictions were implemented at each of our four communities.  

For the past 38 days our dining services teams have prepared and delivered all meals to each resident in their community. Resident services team members hosted virtual events and helped family members connect with their loved ones via video call. Housekeeping and facilities teams upped their efforts to clean and sanitize every surface. Marketing team members hosted virtual tours and facilitated move-ins for new residents while adhering to social distancing guidelines. Nurses donned respirators, gloves, goggles, shields and gowns to care for our residents. 

Every team member has stepped up to the plate during this incredibly difficult time. They put their own health and the safety of their families on the line to provide top-notch care for our communities.  

The risk they are all taking is not lost on the LifeSpire of Virginia management team which is why we are launching a COVID Care Recognition Program designed to thank those who are going above and beyond during this pandemic. Each day, LifeSpire of Virginia will award a $250 bonus to team members or a $250 gift card to contractors who are nominated for their efforts. The bonus will be added to the team member’s next scheduled paycheck and gift cards will be distributed to the recipient. This recognition will be awarded every day until the pandemic restrictions are lifted.  

Nominations will be accepted from fellow team members, managers or residents.

To nominate a LifeSpire of Virginia team member:

  • Send the name, community and title of the person you are nominating to Corporate Director of Communications Hillary Smith at [email protected].
  • Include a few sentences explaining what the nominee has done to deserve this recognition.
  • Photos or videos are welcomed and may be used on social media to further recognize our team members.

Posted in Corporate Office

LifeSpire of Virginia Works to Protect Front Line Team Members

As team members at our four communities work diligently to prevent the spread of COVID-19, LifeSpire of Virginia continues its efforts to protect our colleagues on the front lines. A large shipment of face shields was delivered to the corporate office on April 17. Additional N95 respirators, surgical masks and gowns were also delivered.

The personal protective equipment will be dispersed to each of our communities on an as-needed basis. Vice President of Marketing Peter Robinson immediately dropped off hundreds of items to Lakewood this morning. He said it is very satisfying to know that LifeSpire of Virginia has the equipment and supplies team members need in order to safely do their jobs of taking care of residents.

“On behalf of the corporate office and the entire LifeSpire of Virginia team, we thank our colleagues who are on the front lines fighting this virus and continuing to do an incredible job caring for each and every one of our residents under these incredibly difficult circumstances. We will continue to do everything we can to source PPE for our communities. Additional supplies are expected in the coming weeks.”

Vice President of Marketing Peter Robinson

A large shipment of hand sanitizer and bleach mats—used to disinfect shoes as individuals enter—were also delivered to Lakewood April 17.

Posted in Corporate Office